Welcome to TLRW - The Least Read Webcomic - by Ben Palczynski
*Sniff* What's that smell? Comment on the strip - TLRW forum.


----- 17th February 2006 -----
Hi everyone, some of you may have noticed I have actually been updating TLRW recently! This is because I haven't done it for so long that I am enjoying it again. I am making no promisses to update it daily because forcing myself makes it a chore...

I Have also been working on a new short Flash cartoon which should be done within a week! It's not the Friends of Insanity cartoon, I've taken a break from that -- it's such a big project I'm finding it hard to approach right now.
Anyway, take care and see you all soon!

Ooh, I made this Halloween animation for Adam Phillips a little while ago, the link is here incase you haven't seen it yet.

TLRW is on The Webcomic List
Archive added! I'm still working on the site, I intend to add the fan-art section soonish.

Hello and welcome to TLRW!
It's best to start reading the comic from the beginning. If you can't make sense of a strip, try reading the title.
Please let me know what you think of my strip: ben @ hiylea.com
If you like my webcomic, why not post an entry in your blog, or share the link with your friends.
Would be good to get a bit more traffic!

Hope to see you again soon!
-Peas Glove and Happy-Nest! Ben Palczynski. AKA Ranoka-

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